Available Worship is looking for volunteers to serve in the following ministies

-Greeters for Sunday AM, be in the horseshoe at 9:45 AM to welcome ALL who enter the building, pass out bulletins, and pass out/collect visitor cards

-Greeters for Sunday PM, be in the horseshoe at 4:30 PM to welcome ALL who enter the building, pass out bulletins, and pass out/collect visitor cards

-Greeters for Wednesday PM, be in the horseshoe at 6:15 PM to welcome ALL who enter the building, pass out bulletins, and pass out/collect visitor cards
Cleaning Teams

-After each service: wipe down hot spots (doors, handles, bathrooms), sweep, pick up trash, empty trash cans in dumpster and place new bags in cans

-Weekly: mop

-Quarterly: deep clean

-Sunday AM Service - be in the nursery by 10:15 AM to receive children, prepare or assist with lesson/craft, love on children as we lead them to Christ

-Sunday PM Service - be in the nursery by 5:45 PM to receive children, prepare or assist with lesson/craft, love on children as we lead them to Christ

-Wednesday PM Service - be in the nursery by 6:45 PM to receive children, prepare or assist with lesson/craft, love on children as we lead them to Christ
Wednesday Night Pizza Crew

-Be present to serve pizza in the back room by 6:00 PM

-Close up pizza, wipe tables, and straighten chairs when games start
Spread the Bread

-Pack bags

-Pass out bags

Soup Supper

-Prepare food


Discipleship Mentor
-Slide into a new Christian's DM-